Can’t convict? Chip away defendants’ rights

“[Attorney General Eric] Holder told POLITICO that between now and his departure… he will call for a lower standard of proof for civil rights crimes.” The Department has now confirmed that it will bring no federal civil rights charges against George Zimmerman in the Florida shooting of Trayvon Martin, and it is anticipated on many sides that it will eventually decline to bring such charges in the shooting of Michael Brown by Ferguson, Mo. police [Mike Allen, Politico]


  • If only this were in any way a surprise….

  • “[Attorney General Eric] Holder . . . will call for a lower standard of proof for civil rights crimes.”

    And how exactly would this help protect – rather than undermine – anyone’s civil rights, particularly the most vulnerable Americans?

    Besides, I can’t help suspecting that in Holders mind civil rights crimes are committed mostly or even overwhelmingly by whites. I’m appalled to suspect this about Holder. but I do suspect it.