Gerrymandering: a libertarian perspective

I’ve got the lead essay in the November Cato Unbound, on the theme of redistricting reform. I talk about why classical liberals and libertarians might have something to contribute to the national debate on that topic.

When I mention that I am active in efforts to curb gerrymandering, some people react with surprise: “Oh, is that that a libertarian issue?”

It should be, I think. Libertarians are in some ways especially well situated to spot the harms that can result when politicians get to select which constituents they would like to represent rather than vice versa. And the issue fits well into a long tradition of classical liberal thinking about electoral process and representation, among the goals of which is to restrain existing establishments from gathering too much power unto themselves.

Contributors Eric McGhee, Michael McDonald, and Ray La Raja will be weighing in with responsive essays as the month proceeds.

One Comment

  • Computer science is beyond the point whereby randomly drawn maps containing x percentage of people based on census can be drawn. Leave out race, political belief, just x bodies in this concentration over y land. Split into z equal parts…