Corporate responsibility and stakeholders, cont’d

Some followup on the “Statement on the Purpose of a Corporation” signed by 180 CEOs of major companies and covered in this space earlier: “What’s significant about the statement is what it does not say. The corporate signatories do not suggest in any way weakening the fiduciary duties of the boards and managers of ordinary for-profit shareholder corporations to manage such companies’ affairs for shareholders’ benefit.” [Jim Copland] “If corporate leaders, under the new Business Roundtable principles, elevate concerns about their employees and communities, are their decisions still entitled to deference under the business judgment rule?” [Alison Frankel, Reuters] Many of the assumptions underlying these discussions amount to political myths [Jonathan Macey] And the Federalist Society held a panel on “Corporate Responsibility: Maximizing Shareholder Benefit v. Social Justice” with Paul Atkins, Macey, and Andrew Schwartz. More: CLS Blue Sky Blog.

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