Posts Tagged ‘sex discrimination’

Claim: Citibank fired me for being too attractive

Debrahlee Lorenzana of Queens, N.Y. says managers at Citibank considered her turtlenecks and tailored pencil skirts “too distracting” and asked her to stop wearing them. When she said that other employees wore similar garb, per her court papers, she was told that wasn’t relevant “as their general unattractiveness rendered moot their sartorial choices, unlike plaintiff.” [NY Post] More: Ted at PoL citing earlier coverage of Lorenzana’s lawyer in this space; Above the Law.

May 24 roundup

U.K.: “Single mother soldier expecting a large payout from Army over discrimination claim”

“A single mother soldier is expecting to win a large payout from the Army after a tribunal ruled that it had failed to take enough notice of her childcare needs. … a tribunal ruled [Tilern DeBique] was within her rights to miss training [in Britain’s 10th Signal Regiment] when she could not find anyone to look after her daughter.” [Telegraph]

Gender gaps and asymmetry

At the University of Florida female students in the entering class now outnumber male by 3 to 2, and a spokesman matter-of-factly explains: “Girls are being admitted because they are doing the things to be admitted and boys aren’t.” Coyote accepts the statement as rational, but tries to imagine how it would have been received if all the facts were the same but the genders were reversed.

P.S. From the Manhattan Institute’s Minding the Campus, two new articles on the controversy over lesser female representation in science, technology, engineering and math: Susan Pinker, “On Women, STEM and Hidden Bias“, and John Rosenberg, “The Misguided Push for STEM Diversity.

Rick Reilly on the Oakland Mother’s Day-stadium suit

By reader acclaim: ESPN’s Rick Reilly is righteously hacked off at California serial litigator Alfred Rava and his sex discrimination settlement over an Oakland A’s breast cancer promotion which gave out floppy sun hats on Mother’s Day to women attending the game but not (horrors) to men. (“Make $100 the sleazy way“):

So how many guys have lined up to get their rightful floppy-hat-equivalent payment that was stolen from them by those selfish Mother’s Day-manipulating women? “Well, I haven’t taken a single call so far,” said the 1-888 operator at the firm handling claims. “And I’m here just about every day.”

Earlier coverage of Rava’s Oakland suit here, and on his earlier suit over an Anaheim Angels Mother’s Day tote bag giveaway here, here, here, and here.