“‘Hannah Montana’ fan club sued over tickets”

Class action lawyers say the club led fans to buy memberships on the assumption that they’d get an inside track to tickets for performances by the teen phenomenon. Instead, the concerts have proved to be the year’s hottest ticket and fans have been left to buy from scalpers or go without. “The Web site does […]

Class action lawyers say the club led fans to buy memberships on the assumption that they’d get an inside track to tickets for performances by the teen phenomenon. Instead, the concerts have proved to be the year’s hottest ticket and fans have been left to buy from scalpers or go without. “The Web site does not guarantee ticket availability, but represents that members who log on shortly after tickets become available will have a good opportunity to get them, according to the lawsuit.” (AP/CNN, Nov. 13). More: Lattman.


  • Why did you choose to highlight this? Although the fans may have been foolish, there’s nothing on the surface to mark this as an abusive lawsuit. Some crooked “fan club” might well have made false promises of tickets to get people to purchase memberships.

  • I think this case is highlighted because of the inevitable outcome:
    Lawyers will get tens of thousands, and the customers who actually got screwed will get a 6-month free membership in the club that screwed them.

  • The fan club just offered members a better chance at getting tickets. Seems to me the fan club held up their promise of easier concert access to members by reserving more than half of available tickets to members. Its insane for a club member to assume there would be a unlimited number of seats at every venue to accommodate every member. I’m unsure why the plaintiff is unset the fan club kept accepting new members. Fan clubs are created to generate money, I highly doubt they would limit themselves to a specific number of members in every region around the world. Bottom line, plaintiff didn’t get a ticket to the show and wants to blame someone for their ignorance. And that is why this is an abusive lawsuit.

  • Technically it is not the fan clubs fault. Scalpers were using programs to electronically buy up all of the tickets before regular people could even get to the payment page.