From comments: Before feeding the hungry…

…better check whether your church is licensed as a commercial LatticePiefood-preparation facility [Density Duck in comments:]

…Our local church had to shut down its Feed-The-Hungry operation (where a bunch of retired housewives cooked simple meals and froze them to give to the local soup kitchen.) The reason is that the church kitchen wasn’t certified as a commercial food-preparation facility, as one of the lawyers in the congregation helpfully pointed out to the lady in charge of the program.

We’ve covered the issue periodically before.


  • Fortunately, those hungry soup kitchen patrons can fall back on the more hygienic alternative of dining on the food they find in local dumpsters and garbage cans.

  • GregS: Ho, ho, ho. Most restaurants and grocery-stores now take steps to render discarded food inedible (spraying it with bleach, etcetera). This is because of cases where bums ate food from the trash, got sick because it was spoiled, and sued the restaurant!

  • Don’t Be Too Quick To Be Feeding The Hungry…

    Not without a license, that is……